Course Proposal Form - NO CC Header Image

Course Proposal Form


Upon submission, one-time proposals are reviewed by the Dean of Academic Departments and Programs, with the recommendation to 'Approve' or 'Decline' the proposal.


Due Dates for Permanent Course Proposals

September 24, 2024, for courses to be taught in Spring 2025 or later

January 24, 2025 for courses to be taught in Fall 2025 or later

April 18, 2025, for courses to be taught in Winter 2026 or later

Submission Guidelines

  • An in-progress Course Proposal form can be saved using the "Save and Resume Later" button at the bottom. The form will provide a unique link that is needed to complete the submission. You can choose to get the link via email when saving your progress. You will have 30 days to complete your submission. Please note that you should not upload files or sign the forms until you are ready to submit. If you lose the link to the saved form you will have to start over.
  • All email addresses used in the form should be personal email and follow this format: (DO NOT USE your delegated chair/director email address).
  • Faculty/submitter must contact to obtain a number for a new course. Do not create a course prefix and number by yourself as it will cause registration issues. 
  • For questions about the content of your proposal, logistics, deadlines, etc., please email Emily Tong at
  • To learn more and apply for Common Curriculum and/or the new General Education designations, visit Applying for General Education or email Sara Garrand at 
  • Information on due dates, submission guidelines, and the approval and review process: Course Proposal Guidelines.

Course Information

Proposal Type*
PLEASE NOTE: One-time Approval is only available for new courses being offered in Fall of 2024. All other courses should use Standard Approval.

If this is a second one-time approval, please use the Request for Re-approval form found on the Policies & Forms page under Academic Affairs. Do not use this form. 

If you would like to apply for General Education credit, please visit  Applying For General Education Designation for information about the new General Education curriculum and a link to the General Education Application.

Please select email address from the list
Additional departments for which the course will count toward the major or minor?*
Number of additional departments for which the course will count toward the major or minor*
Please select email address from the list
Please select email address from the list
Please select email address from the list
Please select email address from the list
Please select email address from the list
Additional interdisciplinary programs for which the course will count toward the major or minor?*
Number of additional programs for which the course will count toward the major or minor?*
Please select email address from the list
Please select email address from the list
Please select email address from the list
Please select email address from the list
Please select email address from the list
Please select a prefix from the list
Maximum 3 digits. MUST contact to obtain a number. If submitting ISC you MUST contact Jillmarie Murphy at for the number.
Usually 1 letter i.e. "R", "H", "T", etc. Not all courses have a suffix.
Is this course to be cross-listed?*
Please select a prefix from the list
Maximum 3 digits. MUST contact to obtain a number. If submitting ISC you MUST contact Jillmarie Murphy at for the number.
Usually 1 letter i.e. "R", "H", "T", etc. Not all courses have a suffix.
Please select a prefix from the list
Maximum 3 digits. MUST contact to obtain a number. If submitting ISC you MUST contact Jillmarie Murphy at for the number.
Usually 1 letter i.e. "R", "H", "T", etc. Not all courses have a suffix.
Will there be an associated lab session with this course?*
Maximum 29 characters and spaces
If different from short course title
Maximum 600 characters and spaces
Anticipated frequency*
Will the course be part of a Union College study abroad program or is a new mini-term?*
Will you apply for WAC credit?*
WAC forms/guidelines are available at A copy of the completed form will be sent to Joseph Johnson - Director of Writing Programs.

Proposed Instructor(s)

A course cannot receive permanent approval if taught only by an adjunct or one-year visitor; request one-time approval in such cases.

Number of Instructor(s)*

Previous Course Offerings

Has this course been offered before?*
Which terms?*


Level of Audience

Level of audience*

Course Offerings

Class Time


Will additional computing resources from Information Technology Services (ITS) be needed?*
Will additional library resources be needed?*
Will additional laboratory resources be needed?*


Please attach a detailed course syllabus that includes student learning objectives, a list of textbooks and/or assigned readings, a list of weekly or daily topics, the grading criteria, and the numerical/letter-grade scale.

Course Syllabus*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
PDF, MS Word or MS Excel

Home Department Chair Approval

Do you approve the course proposal as the department chair?*
If changes required
Your Name*

Director of Interdisciplinary Programs Approval

Required if this course home is an Interdisciplinary Program, or has no departmental or program home

Do you approve the course proposal as director of interdisciplinary programs?*
Your Name*

Additional Department Chair Approval (1)

Do you approve the course to count toward your department (1)?*
Your Name*

Additional Department Chair Approval (2)

Do you approve the course to count toward your department (2)?*
Your Name*

Additional Department Chair Approval (3)

Do you approve the course to count toward your department (3)?*
Your Name*

Additional Department Chair Approval (4)

Do you approve the course to count toward your department (4)?*
Your Name*

Additional Department Chair Approval (5)

Do you approve the course to count toward your department (5)?*
Your Name*

Additional IS Program Director Approval (1)

Do you approve the course to count toward your program (1)?*
Your Name*

Additional IS Program Director Approval (2)

Do you approve the course to count toward your program (2)?*
Your Name*

Additional IS Program Director Approval (3)

Do you approve the course to count toward your program (3)?*
Your Name*

Additional IS Program Director Approval (4)

Do you approve the course to count toward your program (4)?*
Your Name*

Additional IS Program Director Approval (5)

Do you approve the course to count toward your program (5)?*
Your Name*

Director of International Programs

Required if the new course will be part of a Union College study abroad program or is a new mini-term

Do you approve the course proposal as director of international programs?*
Your Name*

Sub Council on Courses / AAC Revisions

Are there any changes before final approval?*

Dean of Academic Departments and Programs Approval

Does Dean of Academic Departments and Programs approve the course proposal?*
Your Name*

Instructions to Use Send Step Back Feature

You can request several revisions from the submitter for the proposal that was submitted for your review. 

- If additional changes are required from the submitter, please select "Approve - Changes Required" and click on the "Send Back To Previous Step" link during your subsequent revision requests and include your comments in the pop-up window. Do not click on the "Submit Form" button.

- If no additional changes are required, please select "Approve - No Changes Required" or "Does Not Approve" and click on the "Submit Form" button.

Proposed Instructor's Name*
Save and Resume Later